Welcome to the WarSeeker web page !


What is WarSeeker ?

WarSeeker is a program in Python which search for CS 1.6 or CSS matches (war) on channels. Distributed under GPLv2.
This is a program who handle multi channels at the same time with a high level of dectection of
the level, the number of players and team with/out server, etc...
WarSeeker is free and open source !


Qu'est-ce que WarSeeker ?

WarkSeeker est un programme fait en Python qui permet de chercher des matchs CS 1.6 et CSS sur les channels IRC. Distribue sous licence GPLv2.
Bref c'est un programme qui permet de chercher sur plusieurs canals IRC en meme temps avec
detections des niveaux, du nombre de joueurs, avec/sans serveur, ect... Le programme a deja un taux de detection tres eleve.
WarSeeker est gratuit et open source !


Download :

You can download WarSeeker to the SourceForge.Net project page.
WarSeeker is in beta phase and it's currently in developement.
I'm working alone at the moment but you can help me if you want. I would appreciate it.


Requirement :

- Nothing for the "Standalone" windows version.

Otherwise, if you have *nix or MacOSX or you want to have the latest version you need :
- Python 2.5 or later (interpreter) [DOWNLOAD]
- wxPython 2.8 or later (interface) [DOWNLOAD]

Because Python is platform independant you can install/use it on Windows, Linux, Unix or Mac OSX. Python is an interpreter and doesn't need to be compiled to work.


What is implemented yet :

- Interface
- Configuration pannel
- Filters: level min/max, number of players and server
- Possibility to add channels to connect to
- Chat mode (PM)


What will be implemented :

- Fixing regex bug in search engine [FIXED]
- English translation (languages handling) [DONE]
- Connection automatic or not
- A best handling of connection (connect/reconnect handling)
- Annoucement of personnal message (active mode)
- Reply to PM automatically or not
- Launching CS CSS when IP and PW are received


Advantages :

- GUI/Interface with chat handling.
- Detection engine very performant.
- Interface very light.
- Doesn't requiere any IRC client.


Screenshots ?